
  • Origin and Crossbreeds: The Keeshond originated in the Netherlands and was bred as a companion and watchdog. They are primarily a purebred breed, but some may have mixed heritage with other spitz-type breeds.

  • Compatibility with Children and Babies: Excellent with children; they are friendly, playful, and protective, making them ideal family pets.

  • Compatibility with Other Pets: Generally good with other pets, particularly if socialized early; they are sociable and enjoy company.

  • Health Conditions: Prone to hip dysplasia, certain skin conditions, and heart problems.

  • Habits: Energetic and intelligent; they require regular exercise and enjoy playtime with their families.

  • Social Life: Very social and affectionate; they thrive on human interaction and companionship.

  • Suitability for Home Life: Well-suited for families with space for exercise, though they can adapt to apartment living if exercised regularly.

  • Eating Habits: Requires a balanced diet with high-quality food to maintain health and energy levels.

  • Average Monthly Expenses: Monthly costs can range from £70-130 GBP, including food and grooming.

  • Encyclopedic Fact: The Keeshond is known for its distinctive "spectacles" (markings around its eyes) and is often referred to as the "Wolfspitz."