Origin and Crossbreeds: Originating in Scotland, Collies were initially bred for herding. They come in Rough (long-haired) and Smooth (short-haired) varieties.
Compatibility with Children and Babies: Excellent with children; gentle, patient, and protective.
Compatibility with Other Pets: Gets along well with other pets, especially if raised with them.
Health Conditions: Prone to hip dysplasia and eye problems.
Habits: Highly intelligent and needs mental stimulation. They are known for their herding instincts.
Social Life: Loyal and social, though they can be reserved with strangers.
Suitability for Home Life: Requires space and lots of exercise; not well-suited to apartments.
Eating Habits: Moderate eaters; a diet rich in protein and vitamins is best for their active nature.
Average Monthly Expenses: Monthly costs are approximately £80-130 GBP.
Encyclopedic Fact: The Collie is famous worldwide due to the character Lassie, symbolizing loyalty and intelligence.