
  • Origin and Crossbreeds: This breed originated in Mexico, and is one of the smallest dog breeds in the world. Generally purebred but sometimes mixed with other small breeds.

  • Compatibility with Children and Babies: Chihuahuas can be good with children but are best suited to families with older kids due to their small size and delicate nature.

  • Compatibility with Other Pets: They tend to prefer their own kind and can be wary of larger dogs.

  • Health Conditions: Prone to heart issues, joint problems, and dental health concerns due to their small size.

  • Habits: They are lively, alert, and can be quite vocal.

  • Social Life: Very attached to their owners and can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone too long.

  • Suitability for Home Life: Ideal for apartments and small spaces.

  • Eating Habits: Small, balanced meals are best, as they are prone to hypoglycemia.

  • Average Monthly Expenses: Monthly costs range from £50-90 GBP.

  • Encyclopedic Fact: Chihuahuas are one of the oldest dog breeds in the Americas and are known for their big personalities in tiny bodies.

white and brown chihuahua puppy
white and brown chihuahua puppy