Boston Terrier
Origin and Crossbreeds: Originating in the USA, Boston Terriers are a mix of the English Bulldog and English Terrier.
Compatibility with Children and Babies: Excellent with children, gentle and playful.
Compatibility with Other Pets: Compatible with most pets when socialized early.
Health Conditions: Prone to breathing issues, eye conditions, and hip dysplasia.
Habits: Energetic, intelligent, and loves attention.
Social Life: Thrives in social environments and does not like to be alone.
Suitability for Home Life: Ideal for apartment living.
Eating Habits: Small, balanced meals are best to prevent obesity.
Average Monthly Expenses: Monthly costs are approximately £70-110 GBP.
Encyclopedic Fact: Known as the “American Gentleman,” Boston Terriers are ideal city pets.