Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Origin and Crossbreeds: This small, long-bodied breed originated in Scotland and was bred to hunt otters and badgers. Typically purebred, though they are relatively rare.
Compatibility with Children and Babies: Gentle and affectionate, they can be good with children but should be supervised due to their small size.
Compatibility with Other Pets: Generally good with other pets, though they may chase smaller animals.
Health Conditions: Prone to back issues, eye problems, and joint conditions.
Habits: Playful, alert, and loves exploring. Known for being fearless despite their small stature.
Social Life: Very affectionate with their family and enjoy attention.
Suitability for Home Life: Well-suited to apartment living due to their small size, but they still need regular exercise.
Eating Habits: Requires a balanced diet with small portions to prevent obesity.
Average Monthly Expenses: Monthly costs are around £60-90 GBP, including food and occasional grooming.
Encyclopedic Fact: The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is the only breed named after a fictional character, from Sir Walter Scott’s novel Guy Mannering.