Cocker Spaniel
Origin and Crossbreeds: Cocker Spaniels have both American and English varieties, each with a slight variation in size and coat. They’re often purebred but may be mixed with other spaniels.
Compatibility with Children and Babies: Friendly and gentle, making them great with children and families.
Compatibility with Other Pets: They get along well with other animals and are sociable by nature.
Health Conditions: Prone to ear infections, eye issues, and hip dysplasia.
Habits: Known for their high energy and playfulness. They enjoy being active and love fetching games.
Social Life: They love family life and being involved in activities; dislike being left alone.
Suitability for Home Life: Suitable for apartments if they get daily exercise.
Eating Habits: Balanced diet essential to prevent obesity.
Average Monthly Expenses: Monthly costs are around £70-120 GBP, including grooming.
Encyclopedic Fact: The Cocker Spaniel is known for its beautiful, wavy coat and has been one of the most popular family dogs due to its friendly disposition.