Golden Retriever

  • Origin and Crossbreeds: The Golden Retriever originated in Scotland, bred for retrieving game during hunting. They are typically purebred but may also be mixed with other retrievers or spaniels.

  • Compatibility with Children and Babies: Known for their friendly and gentle disposition, Golden Retrievers are excellent family pets and are very good with children.

  • Compatibility with Other Pets: Generally friendly with other pets and known for their sociable nature.

  • Health Conditions: Prone to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and certain types of cancer.

  • Habits: Energetic and playful; they require regular exercise and enjoy activities like fetch and swimming.

  • Social Life: Very sociable, they thrive on companionship and enjoy being part of family activities.

  • Suitability for Home Life: Well-suited for active families with yards, as they need plenty of exercise and playtime.

  • Eating Habits: Requires a balanced diet with good-quality food to maintain their health.

  • Average Monthly Expenses: Monthly expenses range from £80-130 GBP, including food and grooming.

  • Encyclopedic Fact: Golden Retrievers are often used as service dogs due to their intelligence, gentle nature, and trainability.

a large brown dog laying on top of a wooden floor
a large brown dog laying on top of a wooden floor