Golden Retriever
Origin and Crossbreeds: The Golden Retriever originated in Scotland, bred for retrieving game during hunting. They are typically purebred but may also be mixed with other retrievers or spaniels.
Compatibility with Children and Babies: Known for their friendly and gentle disposition, Golden Retrievers are excellent family pets and are very good with children.
Compatibility with Other Pets: Generally friendly with other pets and known for their sociable nature.
Health Conditions: Prone to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and certain types of cancer.
Habits: Energetic and playful; they require regular exercise and enjoy activities like fetch and swimming.
Social Life: Very sociable, they thrive on companionship and enjoy being part of family activities.
Suitability for Home Life: Well-suited for active families with yards, as they need plenty of exercise and playtime.
Eating Habits: Requires a balanced diet with good-quality food to maintain their health.
Average Monthly Expenses: Monthly expenses range from £80-130 GBP, including food and grooming.
Encyclopedic Fact: Golden Retrievers are often used as service dogs due to their intelligence, gentle nature, and trainability.